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Community Outreach

There are many ways PTMOFI can help with the practical life details that can be challenging for young pregnant women and young moms with their children.

Friends of PTMOFI offers free donated items such as Food, Medicine, baby clothes and equipment, maternity clothes, toys, and small household items.

Every Christmas Season Friends of PTMOFI donate a food basket to over 200 families as a social responsibility for you and me. click here to donate: or call +256-705-853-169 and donate in kind.

We provide friendly support during appointments. Our capable and willing staff will attend appointments such as homeless assistance, legal, medical, housing search, and childcare. You can also join our team by filling out our volunteer form and sharing your expertise with us. Click here to volunteer

Community Education

Each year PTMOFI trains 8 young parents to make presentations to high schools to dispel myths about being a teenage parent, to provide education about healthy sexuality, and to inform decision-making about personal choices surrounding pregnancy options.

Speakers feel empowered accepting opportunities for leadership among their peers, and students receive practical advice from the lived experiences of the young parents who deliver the presentations.

Call +256-705-853-169 to Book a Speaking Engagement.

Health Services

PTMOFI Health services are designed to meet the needs of pregnant young women, and young parents with their children. Pregnant teens have access to free pregnancy tests, specialized prenatal classes, individual health counseling, and nutrition groups through our referral programs with health service partners within our community.

Some of our health services are provided on-site such as medical camps but we also give referrals in the community. This may include finding a health care provider if a young woman is without a doctor or midwife.

Trained and experienced Labour Support Volunteers help pregnant young women prepare for a more positive birthing experience. They can accompany young women to prenatal classes, and doctors’ and midwives’ appointments. They can also offer emotional and physical comfort throughout labor as well as help initiate breastfeeding after birth. Click here to find out how WE Can Help.

Quote, “ I am more confident with my baby

Group Parenting

PTMOFI group parenting program is funded by Friends of PTMOFI

Once a week current mothers meet with Alumni PTMOFI Mothers and discuss infant and child development, develop parenting skills, and receive family support from credible service providers. They also share clothes, books, and toys, prepare a healthy meal, fun activities such as self-care (hair, nails, and make-up) a safe place for sharing experiences with other young moms. To donate to this program kindly click here